Friday, October 4, 2013

Domino effect when one shows gratitude by showing love for another

Doing unto others as you would have done to yourself!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Time to Harvest our Knowledge- Female energies rise into our consciousness

Realization about how cosmos fit together- how it all began...
Take the middle path between externally created dualities 

The fruit contains the's but one in the same. Just as the chicken contains the egg, just as the scale begins and ends with C all notes live within those frequencies, just as our universe is the space of existence as well as the seed of existence at the same time. Makes me feel females are so powerful as upon being born they are within existence as well as the bearers of future existing beings. So what came first the chicken or the egg? Well, they are one and the same, we only see them as separate entities that have manifested in our 3rd dimension as two separate beings whereas they are both one and are a part of the unified field of existence.
(Mysteries of the Cosmic OM: A Documentary On Ancient Vedic) (John Hagelin, Ph.D on Consciousness 1 of 2)

Saturday, August 31, 2013

If you can't free another person then are you really free?

Educational Reading- this is too good to pass up! 

(Read Jim Quinn's whole article to get a greater understanding)

Reasons for our Financial System as it's found today:

Excerpt from
Posted on 25th August 2013 by Administrator in Economy |Politics |Social Issues (Jim Quinn)

"Parasite on a Parasite on a Parasite

“This is by no means a new idea, nor is it the least bit radical; it is deeply conservative and highly traditional. It was Aristotle who first defined the economy as an exchange of goods and services for money, commerce as a parasite on the economy (where those who create nothing extract a share by trading) and finance a parasite on commerce (which extracts a share by switching money from hand to hand – a parasite on a parasite). A typical US politician, such as the president, who counts financial companies such as Goldman Sachs among his top campaign donors, could be characterized as a parasite on a parasite on a parasite – a worm infesting the gut of a tick that is sucking blood from a vampire bat, if you like.” – Dimitri Orlov – The Five Stages of Collapse
The bastardized form of capitalism that passes for our economic system today is based upon a parasitic relationship between Too Big To Trust Wall Street banks, powerful mega-corporations, connected wealthy cronies, and bloodsucking politicians, with the American people as the debt bloated host. The parasites have put the host on life support in critical condition. It took forty years, since Nixon unleashed immoral bankers and devious politicians by decoupling our currency from gold, but the financialization and gutting of America through the false promises of globalization is almost complete. The quaint days of the 1950s and 1960s, when the country was supported by an economy that produced goods, invested in productive assets and citizens who saved money to buy things they desired, are long gone. The insane concepts espoused in the mid-1960s that created our current day welfare/warfare state required Americans to stop using their brains and start using their credit cards. The degenerate Wall Street banking cabal were thrilled to oblige by providing vast sums of debt to the government and the masses. Constant  war, uncontrolled materialism, and an ever expanding welfare state is the triple crown of profits for unscrupulous bankers and corporate CEOs. Once the inconveniant anchor of gold was cut loose by Nixon, the bankers and politicians were free to guide the U.S. Titanic towards its ultimate destination.
The decades long shift from a productive manufacturing society based on savings and investing in productive capital assets to a predatory consumption society based on borrowing and spending has enriched the Wall Street financial elite and destroyed the working middle class. An economy where 25% of its GDP was produced by manufacturing products allowed all boats to rise. A hard working middle class family had a chance to move up the social ladder. An economy where more than 20% of its GDP is dependent upon parasitical financial intermediaries that produce nothing and add no value creates the extreme wealth inequality we have in our society today."

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sewing School for Orphaned Children in Lombok, Indonesia (Supian/Hadi's Aunt)

Aunt in hijab, Supian's Grandma and Grandpa surrounded by family

In entrance of school for orphaned and underprivileged kids to learn skills 

They learn the skills of sewing 

 Also, they can learn how to weave baskets

 Family on their day off for Islamic holiday