Wednesday, January 31, 2007

End of January

I'm now 24 years old, starting my 25th year; season of Aquarius begins to wind down where the peak of artistic energy influences us all. The ripples on a lake created by a single water drop falling off a leaf are likened to the shot I've uploaded today. The DJ John Paul and I were experimenting with a promotional photo shoot in his stairway. I had the tripod legs set to different lengths to be solid in the very steep stairway. The lighting condition was low fluorescent lighting therefore I was using a low shutter speed, and very open aperture, my depth-of-field was set to focus from his nose to the mirror behind his head. JP wanted to illustrate a boxers side-to-side sway of the head- "gangsta-styles" so this is the outcome which I find intriguing!

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