Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Under construction b/w dark room & studio

This wide asymmetrical image combines clutter and colour for aesthetic balance.

The dark lines of the easel mimic the angles of the light-coloured cedar frame construction, created over the sink. The light wood counters and shelves are against a darker shade than the easel which is against a white wall and that's given secondary importance by being allowed to merge with the dark wood bureau in the background. The traces of past art works present on the easel’s background also mimic the wires running around the counter and sink area. The leading lines created by the cedar shelves allow the eye to travel to the poster of the skinless horse and human rider (photo of art installation created by German artist-Gunther von Hagens) and to my landscape study (in progress) of analogous colours and palette knife techniques. The blue strip of sky within the acrylic painting echoes that on the wall where the green paint was pulled from the wall during construction to reveal a past tenants choice of the same shade of blue.

The technique is less purposeful composition and more aesthetic of archiving the passage of time and the changing spaces in which we share. I recently met the man who lived in my apartment for 25 years as a professional pinhole photographer (Andre Dubois) who developed many the images for other Montreal photographers from the 70's to the 90's. The nostalgia of living environments, and the onion layers of time, amaze me as I begin a new chapter to the black and white developing lab and studio within this special space.

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