Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Snow sticking around

Description: Close-up of the Atwater Bridge

Intentions: To show how the ice clings to the cement and the difference in texture created between the rough concrete and the smooth bright ice

Good/Bad: needs a focal point, or more space around it to show the conxtext of the ice, perhaps a train passing on the bridge would have been a complimentary subject that could have been used as a focal point. I enjoy the dramatic effect of large pieces of falling ice and the organic nature of man-made objects clash nicely with the geometric and naturally created ice sculptures.

Evaluation: Getting a ladder and being closer (i.e 1 foot away) to the ice and having a shallow focused image of the ice with the bridge in background would have been more effective to emphasize the fact that the man-made objects are less important than the natural sculptures. With this angle I'm emphasising the linear lines created by the bridges composition in contrast to the strong and bright columns holding the scruture from falling. In contrast the ice has no support against destruction and will fall down eventually alluding to the passage of time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Easter Snow
The image is too objective to suggest some of the things you are after - these things must be conveyed more effectively using visual clues and emphasis.